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Monday, May 2, 2011

Top 4 Things to Remem­ber when Cre­at­ing Your Own Computer

Cre­at­ing your own com­puter has become a pop­u­lar choice for many peo­ple dur­ing the cur­rent eco­nomic down­turn, but can you just pick any parts and begin build­ing? Many com­puter parts aren’t com­pat­i­ble with each other and there are some key things to keep in mind before you begin build­ing your com­puter. With this in mind, it’s appar­ent that you can’t just pick what­ever parts seem appeal­ing and start build­ing. So what do you do? This arti­cle will out­line 5 tips that will help you in your build process.

1. Com­pat­i­bil­ity– Com­pat­i­bil­ity is one of the biggest things to keep in mind when order­ing com­puter parts. You want to make sure that all of your parts can work in har­mony so that your com­puter actu­ally works. This can be a has­sle if you hap­pen to order from a site or store where the parts can’t be returned for full price. Most often you should look at your moth­er­board when deter­min­ing com­pat­i­bil­ity, but it will take some research.
2. Be patient, don’t force– A com­mon prob­lem many peo­ple face when build­ing their new com­puter is that parts aren’t fit­ting very well. This is extremely com­mon if you buy a small case and get a top of line video card. It’s impor­tant never to try to jam the thing inside of your case with all of your might, but it’s also impor­tant to at least put a respectable amount of pres­sure on it to make it fit.
3. Con­nec­tions– So you have put together your com­puter, but a USB drive isn’t work­ing or the video card isn’t out­putting to the mon­i­tor. What hap­pened? It’s very likely you mis­guided your power sup­ply cable to wher­ever it was sup­pose to go. Make sure to check and to dou­ble check where each con­nec­tion is sup­posed to go.
4. OS This could go under com­pat­i­bil­ity, but it’s a lit­tle dif­fer­ent. It’s impor­tant to keep in mind when build­ing your com­puter that cer­tain parts are not com­pat­i­ble with a spe­cific OS. This is a big prob­lem if you’re buy­ing new parts and are try­ing to run an older Win­dows OS. If you’re try­ing to install a brand new Win­dows 7 OS onto an old win­dows 98 com­puter this is also likely to thwart you
Build­ing a com­puter is a fun and a reward­ing expe­ri­ence. I most usu­ally com­par­ing to fin­ish­ing a Lego set. Like Legos, how­ever, com­put­ers can be very frus­trat­ing if all the pieces are not fit­ting together prop­erly. It’s very impor­tant to have patience and to not make any mis­takes out of frustration.

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