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Sunday, May 1, 2011

Burn ISO Image to CD or DVD

Ok, I have an ISO file, now what? I can’t see the files or fold­ers inside although I copied it to a CD/DVD… Well, an ISO file is an image of a CD or DVD, sim­ply copy it to a CD or DVD as a data file won’t be enough. You can think of an ISO image as a “com­pressed” file. For a CD/DVD ISO, you’ll need to burn it out to a blank disc, but with the “image burn­ing” option. Most cur­rent burn­ing appli­ca­tions come with this option, and they’ll all do the same thing: Extract the files to a tem­po­rary loca­tion then burn them to CD/DVD.
One big advan­tage of using ISO image file for CD/DVD is, the image file con­tains all files/folders and the struc­ture of the CD/DVD, includ­ing the hid­den sec­tors, for exam­ple, the boot sec­tors. Some CD/DVD are “bootable”, which means you can use the CD/DVD to startup your pc and run some instal­la­tions or util­ity. With this kind of CD/DVD, when you view the con­tents in Win­dows, you won’t see the bootable por­tion. And when you make a copy of the CD/DVD using the nor­mal method for files, the bootable sec­tors will NOT be included. How­ever, the Image method will take care of that.
With that said, when you’re mak­ing a copy of your CD/DVD and you are not sure if the CD/DVD has some hid­den con­tents or bootable sec­tors, then you bet­ter use the ISO image method to make sure every­thing gets copied.
This page shows you how to burn the ISO image back to CD/DVD, assume that you already have an ISO image is an image cre­ated from a CD/DVD.
For instruc­tions how to cre­ate an ISO image from a CD/DVD, click Here.
The steps of burn­ing an ISO image to CD/DVD are dif­fer­ent depend­ing on which tool you use. How­ever, the fol­low­ing key points should be the same:
  1. Insert a blank CD/DVD.
  2. Open the burn­ing tool.
  3. Select the burn­ing option for ISO/image.
  4. Browse to the ISO/image file.
  5. Burn to CD/DVD.

Detailed Steps
The fol­low­ing sam­ple instruc­tions use Free Easy CD/DVD Burner v1.2. This is a free burn­ing tool with adver­tis­ing sup­ported, but no spy­ware or adware. You can down­load this pro­gram from Soft­pe­dia, or v4.2 here
  1. If you have not installed a burn­ing pro­gram, down­load the tool above and install it. Make sure to reboot after the installation.
  2. Insert a blank CD/DVD.
  3. Open the Free Easy CD DVD Burner program.
  4. Click on the “Copy CD/DVD” but­ton on the top.
  5. Under the “Action” menu on the left, click the “Burn an image file” link. (Note that if this link is not selec­table, then you might have no (or invalid) blank CD/DVD in your drive.)

  1. The win­dow “Select the image file that you want to burn” opens, browse to the ISO file you wish to burn and click “Open”.
  2. A dia­log box will appear ask­ing “Do you want to burn…”, cilck “OK” to confirm.
  3. The burn­ing process will start to extract files and burn to your CD/DVD. This process will take a few min­utes depend­ing on the size of the ISO file and the speed of your burner.

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