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Thursday, May 5, 2011

Begin­ners Guide To Brows­ing Blocked Websites

You are prob­a­bly won­der­ing how to browse blocked web­sitesin school or work.
I can relate to why you want to do this. There are times when I feel like get­ting on YouTube at school and watch­ing some videos to kill time. You might want to get on Face­book to see people’s new sta­tuses or pho­tos and to com­ment and or chat with friends.
No mat­ter what the rea­son is hav­ing the abil­ity to browse blocked web­sites is quite amazing.
This post will cover and explain all the ways you can do so that I know of. Please note not all of them will work, so you have to test and see if they work for you. Also, as a short dis­claimer I am not respon­si­ble if you get caught on blocked sites.

How to Browse Blocked Websites

The method we are going to use is called a proxy server. What are proxy servers? A proxy acts as an inter­me­di­ary for requests from clients seek­ing resources from other servers. A client con­nects to the proxy server, request­ing some ser­vice, such as a file, con­nec­tion, web page, or other resource, avail­able from a dif­fer­ent server.

The proxy server eval­u­ates the request accord­ing to its fil­ter­ing rules. (Source Wikipedia) If the above made zero sense to you, a proxy server basi­cally lets you trick the com­puter or net­work into think­ing you’re on some­where else than what you really are.
Prox­ies can also trick the net­work into think­ing you’re con­nect­ing from let’s say, Rus­sia, when you are really con­nect­ing in the United States. Pretty cool stuff.
Now, I am going to cover most if not all of the pos­si­ble ways you can use prox­ies. Let us begin shall we?

There are sev­eral web­sites online that you can use as a proxy. How they work is you just go to their respected site, type in the URL or address of the site you want to unblock and boom, it will let you use it.
Some of the online web­site prox­ies I rec­om­mend are:
Here is a com­plete list of online web­site prox­ies; Proxy List.

There is also soft­ware that you can use to browse blocked web­sites. These soft­ware are the same as prox­ies but they alter your browsers set­tings and con­fig­ure your net­work to allow you to visit blocked sites.
Here are the ones I recommend:

Well, there you have it? Go out and test out the sites and soft­ware and see which one works best.
If you know of any other meth­ods please comment below, I would love to know!

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