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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

5 Lit­tle Known Secrets To Not Get­ting A Virus

Viruses are eas­ier and eas­ier to get now a days. Once you get a virus those suck­ers are annoy­ing to get rid of. They slow down your com­puter, steal your per­sonal info, delete fold­ers and more.
As you can see, viruses aren’t very pretty.
Now, there are sim­ple steps you can take to pro­tect your­self against a virus. If you fol­low my steps you should be safe from any virus infection.

Fools Guide To Not Get­ting A Virus

Email: Never open any email that looks sus­pi­cious. I am sure you have got­ten a few of these:
Some­one that sup­pos­edly wants to give you money, pills or vit­a­mins, etc. Even though the actual emails wont give you a virus, the con­tents inside will. Never open the links inside or down­load any soft­ware or exe­cutable inside.
As a side note, if some­one wants you to wire money to a for­eign coun­try, its spam. Trust me!
Update Your OS: Have your com­puter up to date. Once there is an update avail­able for your oper­at­ing sys­tem down­load it, imme­di­ately! These updates fix exploits so these viruses wont get into your system.
Scan: If you do down­load a file from the Inter­net, scan it through Virus­To­tal. Virus­To­tal is a free web­site that allows you to scan your files and it checks if it has any viruses through sev­eral sites. I have been saved count­less times from get­ting my com­puter infected.
Anti-virus: Always have an anti-virus pro­gram installed on your com­puter. These pro­grams block and or remove any viruses, mal­ware or Tro­jans on your com­puter. There are paid and free anti-virus pro­grams. Look around the web for a good one. A quick note is to look at reviews of that pro­gram and look at what peo­ple say about it.
Backup: Like I said ear­lier you are never one hun­dred per­cent pro­tected against viruses. Make sure to always back up all your impor­tant files on a flash drive or exter­nal hard drive.Drop­Box is also a great way to backup stuff for free.

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