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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

How to Improve Your Computer’s Performance

Few things are as frus­trat­ing as deal­ing with a slow, slug­gish com­puter. When a com­puter is brand new, it works won­der­fully well. Over time, though, its per­for­mance can slowly begin to worsen. This hap­pens for a num­ber of rea­sons, but the biggest cul­prits are things like spy­ware, adware and other com­puter threats that are unwit­tingly down­loaded along with other con­tent while online. You don’t have to down­load thou­sands of MP3s, movies or other items to expe­ri­ence these prob­lems, either – nobody is immune to them. Instead of accept­ing the sit­u­a­tion, there are plenty of tech­niques and strate­gies that you can use to make it bet­ter – a few of the best ones are out­lined below.

Strat­egy #1: Clean Your Computer’s Win­dows Registry
The biggest cause of slow, slug­gish PC per­for­mance is errors and prob­lems within its Win­dows reg­istry. Adware, spy­ware and other threats usu­ally tar­get the reg­istry, dam­ag­ing or mis­plac­ing impor­tant files within it. When it comes to PC clean­ing, a daily Win­dows reg­istry clean­ing should be at the top of your list of pri­or­i­ties. How­ever, this should never be done man­u­ally – there are too many oppor­tu­ni­ties for major errors that could seri­ously dam­age your PC’s oper­at­ing sys­tem. Instead, invest in a high-quality Win­dows reg­istry cleanup pro­gram and con­fig­ure it to run once per day – you won’t believe the dif­fer­ence that it makes.
Strat­egy #2: Remove Unneeded Files
Every time you log on to the Inter­net or oth­er­wise use your com­puter, tem­po­rary files are gen­er­ated. They are usu­ally only needed once; how­ever, they don’t dis­ap­pear on their own. Instead, they accu­mu­late over time until they are clut­ter­ing up your computer’s file sys­tem and affect­ing its per­for­mance. While it’s pos­si­ble to remove these files one-by-one, it’s much eas­ier and quicker to use a PC clean­ing tool that’s designed for the pur­pose. Try to do so about one time per week to keep your com­puter hum­ming along with ease.
Strat­egy #3: Remove Unneeded Programs
Like many peo­ple, you prob­a­bly down­load and try out many dif­fer­ent pro­grams each month. How many of them do you actu­ally end up using on a reg­u­lar basis? Chances are, not very many of them. By get­ting into the habit of unin­stalling unused and unneeded pro­grams, you can keep your computer’s file sys­tem a lot less clut­tered. In turn, your PC’s per­for­mance will improve dra­mat­i­cally. You can opti­mize your com­puter in this way by using its Add/Remove Pro­grams fea­ture. Its loca­tion varies by oper­at­ing sys­tem, but you should be able to find it some­where in the Con­trol Panel.
Strat­egy #4: Empty the Recy­cle Bin
When you click “delete” on a file or a pro­gram, it doesn’t go away for good – not imme­di­ately, any­way. Instead, it sits in a kind of pur­ga­tory in your computer’s Recy­cle Bin. As things pile up in the Recy­cle Bin, your com­puter can start exhibit­ing some very annoy­ing prob­lems. If slug­gish star­tups and fre­quent crashes are occur­ring with increas­ing fre­quency – and your computer’s recy­cle bin is very full – go ahead and empty it. From then on, get into the habit of doing so about one time per week. This small but impor­tant strat­egy can make a huge difference.
Strat­egy #5: Per­form a Disk Defragmentation
Win­dows isn’t very effi­cient when it comes to stor­ing files. It actu­ally splits them up, deposit­ing them into what­ever spaces are avail­able. The more spaced apart the pieces of a file are, the harder your com­puter has to work to make them run. The Win­dows disk defrag­men­ta­tion sys­tem tune-up util­ity works to piece all of those files back together again. The process is a long one, though, and only needs to be done about four times per year. Set it up to run auto­mat­i­cally once every three months. By doing so, you’ll be able to keep your com­puter run­ning in tip­top shape.
When it comes to keep­ing your com­puter run­ning opti­mally, small but reg­u­lar main­te­nance is the best way to go. Pro­tect­ing your PC only does so much; even the most care­ful Inter­net users in the world unin­ten­tion­ally down­load mali­cious soft­ware from time to time. By using basic sys­tem tune-up tools, clean­ing your computer’s Win­dows reg­istry reg­u­larly, per­form­ing reg­u­lar file-cleaning main­te­nance and oth­er­wise opti­miz­ing your PC, you should be able to keep it in like-new con­di­tion for a lot longer. Even if your com­puter has been per­form­ing slowly for some time, begin­ning this reg­i­men is sure to pro­duce results. In the end, you’ll be able to enjoy a com­puter that flies along – instead of one that spins its wheels.

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